Free standard shipping on orders over $35
We offer free shipping on orders over $100. Some bulk orders may incur a shipping charge. Buyer will be contacted should an additional bulk shipping charge need to be invoiced and paid prior to shipment.
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping based on package supply costs and on the current shipping rates of USPS or UPS.
Please also note that the shipping is the responsibility of the carrier. We do not deliver packages and can not relay an official date when the package will be delivered. Should the package say delivered and you not have the package in your possession please contact your local postal office responsible for delivery and ask where the package was left.
Due to shortages in staffing and facility closures shipping carriers have been experiencing some delays and mishaps during transit and delivery of packages.
Add a touch of personality to your belongings with our Teacher All Good Things Done with Love Clear Die-Cut Waterproof Removable Vinyl Sticker! Made with lightweight high-quality vinyl, this sticker is not only durable but also waterproof, ensuring it stays intact for a long time. Easily removable without leaving any residue. Perfect for personalizing laptops, water bottles, and more!
Carefully bend the paper backing then begin to lift the sticker edge to remove it completely from the backing paper.
If you plan to remove and reuse the sticker peel slowly as the sticker may tear during the removal process.
Measures approximately 2.5 l x 2 w
Due to all items being made-to-order custom products we have a NO RETURN policy. Should you receive an item with the incorrect personalization made on the part of Favors Decor and More, LLC a replacement will be sent at no additional charge to the customer.
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