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Due to shortages in staffing and facility closures shipping carriers have been experiencing some delays and mishaps during transit and delivery of packages.
Add a touch of elegance and meaning to your apparel, tote bags, or accessories with this beautifully embroidered African Violets Iron-On Patch. Symbolizing loyalty, devotion, and faithfulness, this patch is perfect for sorority members, floral lovers, or anyone looking to personalize their belongings with a unique and vibrant design. Featuring rich purple blooms with golden-yellow centers and lush green leaves, this patch is easy to apply—just iron it onto your favorite fabric for a long-lasting and stylish accent.
Perfect for:
✅ Sorority apparel & accessories
✅ Jackets, backpacks, & tote bags
✅ DIY crafts & fabric projects
Elevate your style with this stunning African Violets patch—order yours today!
Due to all items being made-to-order custom products we have a NO RETURN policy. Should you receive an item with the incorrect personalization made on the part of Favors Decor and More, LLC a replacement will be sent at no additional charge to the customer.
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